Sunday, December 30, 2007


Conscience. A recent event inspired me to write about this. A few days back, I’ve been imposed with a conscience dilemma. I knew that something is quite wrong and some people are clearly being mistreated. Justice is not served. It makes me ponder. What is the line that we are willing to cross in the name of conscience? Are we brave enough? Will our good intention of trying to stand by conscience and voice out our concern of the injustice happening slap us back? What is in risk here?
My parents tried all they can to make me be ignorant as possible. They were always trying to stir me away from conscience saying that I should not get myself into other people’s business. Just mind your own business. Just shut up. I know they’re not getting anywhere. After all, it’s embedded in my genes. My father never got the post he deserves at work because of conscience. My mother is always not in ease because of conscience. They are trying to make me learn from their mistake but just like them I can never let conscience be.
I know that my conscience will get the better part of me. I will be clouded with the delusion that it’s my call to try and set things sraight. I can not bear to see or to hear that people around are being served wrongly and some people who really don’t deserve it are enjoying what should not have been thiers in the first place. I will then do something that will make me to some extent regret and feel bad about. I will open my big mouth in the name of conscience and things would get worse.
Don’t ask me why. It always happen that way. I try to set things straight because I think it’s wrong and in the end it would be better if I only shut up and do nothing about it. Things just got worse. Nobody will back you up. You’ll pay because you’re going against something higher. This is what happen when we stand by conscience. No wonder our world is getting sicker by the minute. Nobody wants to stand by conscience anymore. It’s like an epidemic. People are afraid of it. They are afraid that their job, their life, their family, their money will be in jeopardy if they embrace conscience. In the end, because we don’t want to take the risk, the wrong will just slip by. It’s getting to be our culture.
We’re teaching our young ones to be ignorant. To be selfish so as not to offend ‘people’. We’re practically saying that if it does not happen to us, it’s okay. It’s their fate that bad things happen to them. Not because some people think that they’re better and everything they do are then justified. Nobody must question them. From litle things and litle wrongs, we proceed to bigger actions. When are we going to realise that the effects of this will in the end affect us anyways? I can only pray it will be soon enough.
It’s easy to say that "I have conscience somewhere in me, the others don’t. It’s their fault". The hard part is where we put our conscience into action. The sense of right and wrong is important. If it’s wrong, then it’s wrong. Do something about it.

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